Friday, June 18, 2010

Boys & flowers

There are many things I hope for my boys to become when they are men.   High up on that list, is for them is to really appreciate the women in their lives, and find little ways to show them.  

This may seem tacky or old fashioned even, but one of the ways I hope to teach my boys about growing into lovely men, is through flowers.  I get flowers from their dad, not all the time, and never at an expected time, but rather for no reason at all.  I love it.

So every little weed they find, and bring home to me, I treasure as if it's  a designer bunch of long stemmed roses or whatever.

As a result - I get a lot of 'flowers' from my boys :)  May they never stop giving them to me, or any other significant women they have in their lives.

This was from today, with my wee boy (while my big boy was at kindy).

As you can see, each flower, no matter what, comes home and is added to the evolving collection in one of Grandma's old sherry glasses, on the kitchen bench.  

Have a nice weekend everyone.

X Rhonda

1 comment:

Hayley said...

I love these ~ the simplicity, the real, genuine moment... Gorgeous!