Monday, April 5, 2010

Our Easter

Our Easter was delayed on two counts.
1.  Hubby was on nightshift all Easter, and
2.  Number one son has been quite ill and not in the least bit interested in chocolate - until today!

So while they were having an afternoon rest, which isn't normal these days, something else extraordinary happened.  As if by magic, two very large eggs appeared in the playroom on their little red chairs - one for each of them. Of course the grown ups didn't see or hear the Easter bunny - it's a total mystery!

Number two son was very happy to pose for photos - with his shiny treasure.  Then they both made quick work of unwrapping them.

Number one son who was less interested in sampling the wares, then proceeded to break his into tiny pieces to stash away for later - still not feeling that well obviously.

Sorry this is very late - but Happy Easter everyone!

X Rhonda

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Beautiful shots, Rhondi. Lovely composition. What sweet little lads you have.